Pasenadi and Dígha-Káráyana were staying once at Nangaraka and, hearing that the Buddha was residing at Medatalumpa, three leagues away, the king went to visit him. He was deeply impressed by the silence surrounding the Buddha and, falling at his feet, he kissed them and showed great reverence. On being asked by the Buddha why he did so, the king replied that he perceived the marvellous effects of the Buddha's teaching on his disciples. They were well controlled, yet joyful, buoyant, with hearts as free as those of wild creatures; and he added that he knew of no such discipline outside the Buddha's teaching. He then proceeded to tell the Buddha of his own servants, Isidatta and Purána, and of their great devotion to the Buddha, reminding the Buddha that they were both Kosalan nobles of about the same age. On the king's departure, the Buddha commended the king's words to the monks, asking them to remember them, for they formed a monument (cetiya) to the results of the Dhamma. M.ii.118-25.


According to the Commentary (MA.ii.753ff; J.iv.151ff ) this was the last occasion on which Pasenadi saw the Buddha, for during his absence Dígha-Káráyana set up Vidúdabha on the throne.

Pasenadi went to Rájagaha to seek Ajátasattu's aid, but died in a hut by the wayside.

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