1. Dhammadassí.-The fifteenth of the twenty-four Buddhas. He was born in the Sarana pleasance in the city of Sarana, his father being a khattiya named Sarana, and his mother Sunandá. It is said that on the day of his birth all unjust laws disappeared from the law-books, hence his name. For eight thousand years he lived in the household, in three palaces - Araja, Viraja and Sudassana. His chief wife was Vicitolí and his son Puññavaddhana. He left the world travelling in his palace, accompanied by all his retinue. For seven days he practised austerities; his wife gave him a meal of milk-rice, and a yavapálaka, named Sirivaddha, gave grass for his seat; his bodhi-tree was a bimbijála-tree. His first sermon was preached at Isipatana. Later he preached to King Sañjaya of Tagara, and to Sakka, who was the Bodhisatta. The Buddha's half-brothers, Paduma and Phussadeva, became his chief disciples, and Hárita was chief of those who practised the dhutangas. The Buddha's personal attendant was Sunetta, his chief women disciples being Khemá and Sabba-(Sacca)-dinná. Subhadda and Katisaha were the chief among men of his lay patrons, and Sáliyá and Valiyá among women. The Buddha's body was eighty cubits high and he lived to be one hundred thousand years old, dying at the Kesáráma in Sálavati. Bu.xvi.1ff; BuA.182ff; J.i.38, 39, 40, 44.


2. Dhammadassí.-A monk of Pagan, author of the Páli grammar, Vaccavácaka. Bode. op. cit., p.22.

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