1. Dhammarakkhita.-A Yona Thera sent by the Third Council to Aparantaka. There he preached the Aggikkhandhopama Sutta and converted thirty-seven thousand persons. Mhv.xii.4, 34f.


2. Dhammarakkhita.-See Mahá-Dhammarakkhita and Yonaka-Mahá-Dhammarakkhita.


3. Dhammarakkhita.-A thera in Ceylon in the time of Kittisirirájasíha. Cv.c.299.


4. Dhammarakkhita.-A Thera at whose request Ácariya Dhammapála wrote the Commentary on the Netti. Gv.69.


5. Dhammarakkhita.-Mentioned as a high-class name. E.g., Vin.iv.8; Sp.ii.448, 480.


6. Dhammarakkhita.-A monk of Asokáráma in Pátáliputta, under whom Nágasena studied the Tipitaka. Mil.16, 18.

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