1. Dhana.-A banker of Rájagaha, grandfather of Mahá- and Cúlapanthaka. ThagA.i.491, 515.

2. Dhana.-A banker of Benares, a previous birth of Anuruddha. His original name was Annabhára, but one day he entertained the Pacceka Buddha, Uparittha, and, as a result, won the favour of the king, who conferred on him the rank of setthi. ThagA.ii.66.

3. Dhana.-See Mahádhana.

Dhana Vagga.-The first chapter of the Sattaka Nipáta of the Anguttara Nikáya. A.iv.1ff.

1. Dhana Sutta.-On the five treasures-faith, virtue, learning, charity, and insight. A.iii.53.

2. Dhana Sutta.-On the seven treasures - the five given above, and fear and shame. A.iv.4f.

3. Dhana Sutta.-The same as No.2, but the "treasures" are explained in detail. A.iv.5f.

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