Name of Mára in the time of Kakusandha Buddha. He was, in that birth, son of Kálí, sister of Moggallána. He first incited the brahmin householders to revile Kakusandha's monks, chief of whom were Vidhura and Sañjíva; when that effort failed owing to the thoughts of goodwill, pity, sympathy and equanimity, developed by the monks, he next incited the brahmins to show great honour to the monks, hoping, in that way, to tempt them. But, owing to the intervention of Kakusandha, Dúsí's attempts failed and he was born in the Mahá Niraya.


The story is given in the Máratajjaniya Sutta (M.i.333ff; also Thag.1187-91; ThagA.ii.183).


Dúsí is mentioned as having died early because his life was cut off by kamma (Vsm.229).

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