1. Giri.-A Nigantha who occupied the Nigantháráma, later destroyed by Vattagámaní to make room for the construction of Abhayagiri Vihára, The Nigantha's name was included in that of the new Vihára. Mhv.xxxiii.43f, 83; Dpv.xix.14.


2. Giri.-See Giridípa.


3. Giri.-One of the palaces occupied by Sikhí Buddha in his last lay life (Bu.xxi.16). The Commentary (BuA., p.201) calls it Giriyasa.


4. Giri.-A district in South Ceylon. Its capital was Mahágáma. It included the villages of Nitthulavitthika, birthplace of Gothaimbara (Mhv.xxiii.49), and Kutumbiyangama, birthplace of Velusumana (Mhv.xxiii.68). The district was also evidently called Girimandala. The chieftain of Giri was Giribhojaka (Mhv.xxiii.69, 70, 75; MT.454), sometimes called Girimandalika (MT.452).


5. Giri.-A Nigantha who lived at Anurádhapura during the time of Pandukábhaya. See also Giri (1). Mhv.x.98.


Giri (or Girimánanda) Sutta.-Preached at Jetavana. Ananda brings news to the Buddha that Girimánanda is ill; would the Buddha go and visit him? The Buddha suggests that Ananda should repeat to Girimánanda the ten ideas (sańńá) – anicca-sańńá, anatta-sańńá, asubha-sańńá, ádínava-sańńá, pahána-sańńá, virága-sańńá, nirodha-sańńá, sabbaloka-anabhirati-sańńá, sabbasankháresu anicca-sańńá, and ánápánasatisańńá - and proceeds to expound them in detail. Ananda does so and Girimánanda recovers. A.v.108ff.

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