Mahánáma visits Godha the Sákiyan at Kapilavatthu and asks him what qualities, possessed by a sotápanna, will secure for him ultimate enlightenment. There are three, answers Godha-unwavering loyalty to the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sangha. When Godha, in his turn, asks the same question of Mahánáma, the latter answers that there are four, and adds the possession of Áriyan virtues.


The two seek the Buddha to ask his opinion. Mahánáma declares to the Buddha that he would accept the Buddha's decision in face of the opinion of everyone else in the universe. In answer to a question of the Buddha, Godha answers that of a person who holds such a view he has nothing but good to say, the conclusion evidently being that he accepts Mahánáma's opinion in preference to his own. S.v.371f.

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