1. Godhávarí. (v.l. Godávari).-A river in Dakkhinápatha, of which it forms the southern boundary. During the Buddha's time, the Alaka (or Mulaka) king and the Assaka king (both Andhakas) had settlements on its northern bank, and Bávarí's hermitage lay in the territory between their dominions (SN.vs.977). The Commeutary (SNA.ii.581) says that near this spot the Godhávarí divided into two branches, forming an island three leagues in extent, and the island was a dense forest, known as the Kapitthavana. Bávarí's hermitage occupied a region of five leagues. In the past this region had been the abode of various sages, such as Sarabhanga (J.v.132, 136; Mtu.i.363). According to the Anguttara Commentary (AA.i.182), Bávarí's hermitage was on a bend of the river (Godhávarívanke). The Godhávarí is one of the holiest rivers in Southern India, rising in Brahmagiri near the village of Triyanvaka and sanctified by its connection with Ráma and various saints.


2. Godhávarí.-A canal, built by Parakkamabáhu I., connecting the Káragangá and the Parakkamaságara (Cv.lxxix.57).

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