1. Gokanna.-A locality in Ceylon and a vihára founded by Mahásena, on the site of a Hindu temple (Mhv.xxxvii.41). According to the Mahávamsa Tíká (p.685), it was on the east coast of Ceylon. Elsewhere (p.269), the Tíká speaks of a Gokannatittha in the neighbourhood of the estuary of the Mahákandara-nadí, and the Cúlavamsa (lxxi.18) mentions Gokanna as the last of a series of fords in Rohana, important from a strategic point of view, along the Mahá-válkaugangá, from "Sarogámatittha to Gokanna." In another passage (Cv.xli.79), Gokanna(ka) is spoken of as mahannava (the ocean). These facts support Geiger's conjecture (Cv. Trs.i.59, 4; n.316, n.2) that Gokanna refers to the Trincomalee (Koddiyar) Bay at the estuary of the Maháválukagangá.

Gokanna(ka) is twice described as the scene of magic rites, once in the case of Mahánága (Cv.xli.79) and again in that of Mánavamma (Cv.lvii.5).

Aggabodhi V. built a padhánaghara for the Gokanna-vihára. Cv.xlviii.5.

2. Gokanna.-A general of Gajabáhu who defeated Kittisirimegha; he had his headquarters in Kálavápi, of which place he was Nagaragiri. At a meeting between him and Parakkamabáhu at Buddhagáma, the latter won him over to his side. An amusing story is told of a dream he had after his promise of help to Parakkamabáhu (Cv.lxvi.47ff). He fled, therefore, to Kálavápi and, on various occasions, offered battle to the forces of Parakkamabáhu, but everywhere he was defeated, the worst reverse being at Nílagala by the general Máyágeha. After that he built a fortification in Kálavápi, where he lived in comparative quiet. The last we hear of him is of his incitement of Mánábharana to seize the throne (Cv.lxiii.34; lxvi.35ff, 62; lxx.68, 71, 83, 257). Geiger thinks (Cv. Trs i.255, n.3) that Gokanna is probably a clan name.

3. Gokanna.-A general of Parakkamabáhu I. mentioned among leaders of the expedition which he sent to South India. Cv.lxxvi.253, 270, 324-6.

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