Husband of Díghatálá. He obtained his wife after having worked seven years in a house. One day, when on his way with his wife to visit her parents, they came to a stream, and, while they were hesitating before crossing, a man named Díghapitthi came along and offered to take them across, because, he said, he was well known to the denizens of the river. He took Díghatálá first, with the sweetmeats intended for her relations, and persuaded her to come with him, leaving her husband. When Golakála realised what had happened, he jumped into the stream in desperation, easily crossing it - because it was really very shallow - and claimed his wife. In the course of the quarrel between the two men they came to where Mahosadha held court, and be, having heard their respective stories, decided, with the approval of the assembled populace, in favour of Golakála.

It is said Golakála was so called because he was dwarfish, like a ball (gola), and black (kála)., 338.

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