Gopaka Moggallána.-A brahmin minister of Ajátasattu, in charge of some defence works in Rájagaha (M.iii.7). See Gopaka Moggallána Sutta. The Theragáthá (vs.1024) contains a stanza spoken by Moggallána Thera in answer to a question by Gopaka Moggallána. Gopaka asks Moggallána how many of the Buddha's teachings he remembers. Eighty-four thousand, answers the latter and proceeds to explain. ThagA.ii.130.

Gopaka Moggallána Sutta.-Soon after the Buddha's death, Ananda, on his way to Rájagaha for alms, visits the place where Gopaka Moggallána was strengthening the city's defences. Moggallána asks him if there were any monk in every way like the Buddha, and receives a negative answer. Vassakára arrives and, on being told the topic of conversation, asks the same question and is told by Ananda that the monks regard the Dhamma as their protector. It is true, however, that there are monks whom they hold in great esteem and reverence, and Ananda enumerates the qualities which win for them such homage. M.iii.7ff

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