A village and a district in Rohana. Dutthagámaní lived there before being crowned at Mahágáma (Mhv.xxiv.17). Guttasála was thirty to thirty-five miles to the north of Mahágáma, where the high road crossed the Mánikagańga, and lay on the main route which spread from Mahágáma to Mutiyangana, and from there along the Maháválukagangá to Pulatthipura; hence its strategic importance. It was the centre of several campaigns at different periods. (E.g., of Mahinda, Cv.li.109, 117; Vijayabáhu I., Cv.lxviii.34; Jayabáhu I., Cv.lxi.12; Parakkamabáhu I., Cv.lxxiv.165f.; lxxv.15. See Cv.Trs.i.158, n.4).

The Atthasáliní (DhsA.398f) records the story of a nun of Guttasála; she was an arahant, and when the village was destroyed by bandits she left it with a young nun carrying her baggage. At the village gate of Nakulanagara she met Mahánága of Kálavallimandapa, who offered her a meal in his own bowl, as she had none of her own. She ate the meal, washed the bowl and returned it, telling him that from the next day he would get alms without exertion; and so he did.

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