A sea-port in Nágadípa in the north of Ceylon. Here Mahárittha and his companions embarked on their journey as envoys to Dhammásoka (Mhv.xi.23). Here also arrived the ship conveying Sanghamittá and the branch of the sacred Bodhi-tree, welcomed by Devánampiyatissa, who awaited her arrival in the Samuddapannasálá (Mhv.xix.25f). A sapling from the Bodhi-tree was afterwards planted on the spot where it had stood after landing (Mhv.vs.59; Sp.i.100; Mbv.145-62, passim) and Devánampiyatissa built a vihára there called the Jambukolavihára (Mhv.xx.25). From Jambukola to Támalitti by sea was a seven days' voyage (Mhv.xi.23), and it appears to have taken five days to get to Anurádhapura from Jambukola (Mhv.vs.38). It was the seaport of Anurádhapura (E.g., VibhA.446).

Geiger thinks (Cv. Trs.i.293, n.1; see Cv.lxx.72; lxxii.136) that, besides the seaport, there was another locality in the interior of Ceylon bearing the same name, which he identifies with the modern Dambulla.

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