Slave of King Canda-Pajjota.

His father was non-human, and he himself could travel sixty leagues a day. When Pajjota discovered that Jívaka had fled, after administering to him some medicine containing ghee, he sent Káka to overtake Jívaka and bring him back, giving Káka strict injunctions not to eat anything offered by Jívaka.

Káka came upon the physician at Kosambí having his breakfast. Jívaka invited him to eat, but he refused. In the end, however, he consented to eat half a myrobalan, which he thought would be harmless, but into which Jívaka had introduced some drug hidden in his finger nail. Káka purged violently and was very alarmed. Jívaka told him that all he desired was for him to be slightly delayed and left him, after having handed over to him the elephant Bhaddavatiká, which he had used in his flight. Vin.i.277f; DhA.i.196.

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