1. Kámabhú Sutta.-Kámabhú visits Ananda at Ghositáráma in Kosambí and asks him whether the senses are the bonds of objects or objects the bonds of senses. Ananda answers that neither is true; the bond is the desire and lust that arise owing to the senses and the objects with which they come in contact. The Buddha, for instance, is free from such bondage (S.iv.165).

The same question is asked of Sáriputta by Kotthita, who receives the same reply (S.iv.162f).

2. Kámabhú Sutta.-Cittagahapati visits Kámabhú at Ambátakavana in Macchikásanda and is asked to solve a riddle:

Nelango setapacchádo ekáro vattatí ratho

Anígham passa áyantam chinnasotam abandhanam.

Citta explains this as referring to the Arahant and points out the significance of each term (S.iv.291f). In the Udána (p.76; UdA.370f; cf. DhsA.398) the words of the riddle are mentioned as having been used by the Buddha in reference to Lakuntaka-Bhaddiya.

3. Kámabhú Sutta.-Records another visit of Citta to Kámabhú. Citta asks a series of questions about the activities of the body, speech and mind and their cessation. Kámabhú explains them to Citta's satisfaction. S.iv.293.

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