1. Kañcanapabbata.-A mountain in Himavá (J.ii.396ff). It was near Kañcana-guhá, and on it grew the Abbhantaramba of Vessavana. On the mountain, in a hut, lived the ascetic Jotirasa, tending the sacred fire. The mountain formed one of the salient features of the Himálaya region (J.v.415). It is in the northern quarter of Himavá, and from its slopes flows the Sídánadí (J.vi.101). In the Nimi Játaka (J.vi.100) mention is made of two Kañcanapabbatá between which the Sídánadí flows. The mountain is sometimes referred to as Kañcanagiri (E.g., UdA.411) and sometimes as Suvannapabbata (J.vi.100). The Buddha Sumana held his second assembly of disciples on the Kañcanapabbata, when ninety thousand crores of people were present (J.i.34).


2. Kañcanapabbata.-See Kanakapabbata.

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