Pasenadi visits the Buddha at the Deer Park in Kannakatthala and conveys to him the greetings of his two queens Somá and Sakulá.

He then enquired of the Buddha if it were true that, according to him, no recluse or brahmin could claim absolute knowledge and insight. The Buddha explains that his teaching is that no one can know and see everything at one and the same time.

The king proceeds to ask whether there is any distinction of caste in the matter of deliverance and whether there are any gods.

Vidúdabha and Ananda join in the discussion, and then Sañjaya Ákásagotta, charged with having spread a wrong interpretation of the Buddha's teaching, is announced and lays the blame on Vidúdabha. The arrival of the king's chariot puts an end to the dispute (M.ii.125ff).

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