A pavilion near the Karerikutiká, evidently a hall with a thatched roof supported by wooden pillars, but with no walls (D.ii.1; Dial.ii.5, n.2). Buddhaghosa calls it a nisídanasálá (sitting-hall). Between this hall and the Gandhakuti was the Karerimandapa. Probably the term Karerimandalamálá was used to denote all the grounds within the Gandhakuti, the Karerikutiká and this hall (Gandhakuti pi Karerikutiká pi sálá pi Karerimandalamálo ti vuccati) (DA.ii.407). Dhammapála, however, says that only the mandapa and the sálá were called Karerimandalamálá. He explains mandalamálá thus: tinapannacchadanam anovassakam mandalamálo; atimuttakádi latámandapo ti apare (UdA.203). The monks seem to have been in the habit of sitting out here and talking on various topics at the close of the day. One such topic is recorded in the Udána (Ud., p.30f), for discussing which the monks drew on themselves the Buddha's stern rebuke.

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