A brahmin of the Bháradvája clan, living at Ekanálá, in Dakkhinágiri. The Buddha visited him in the eleventh year after the Enlightenment (Thomas, op. cit., p.117). The brahmin was so called on account of his profession of agriculture. On the day of his festive sowing (mangalavappa), the Buddha visited him alone (having seen his upanissaya for arahantship), and stood near the place where food was being distributed to a very large number of people engaged in the festival. The brahmin, seeing the Buddha begging for alms, suggests that the Buddha should work for his living - plough and sow just as he does. (The Sútrálankára says the brahmin threw water on the Buddha in order to drive him away; Sylvain Levy, JA.1908, xii.99).

The Buddha answers that he, too, is a farmer, and explains his meaning to the bewildered brahmin, who, greatly pleased, offers him a large bowl filled with milk-rice. The Buddha refuses the gift on the plea that Buddhas never accept wages for their sermons. At the Buddha's own suggestion the food is cast into the river because no one is capable of digesting food once offered to a Tathágata. (The food had become too rich because the gods had added ojá to it; see also Mil.231). When the rice touches the water it crackles and smokes and the brahmin, greatly marvelling, falls at the Buddha's feet and professes himself henceforth the Buddha's follower. Soon after, he enters the Order, and in due course becomes an arahant. Sn.12ff; SnA.131ff; the Samyutta does not mention his arahantship (S.i.171ff), though the Commentary does so (SA.i.188ff).

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