The people of Kerala. The Keralas served as mercenary soldiers to the kings of Ceylon. They rebelled against Mahinda V. and governed certain parts of the country (Cv.iv.5, 12). They fought in the army of Parakkamabáhu I. against Gajabáhu (Cv.lxix.18; lxx.230). Later, when Parakkamabáhu's forces were employed in Rohana, the Kerala mercenaries in Kotthasára conspired with others to capture Rájarattha, but their attempt was foiled (Cv.lxxiv.44f). The Keralas formed the largest part of Mágha's army which devastated Ceylon, and Mágha gave over to them, for their use, whatever they coveted in the conquered territory. They overran the country, carrying destruction wherever they went (Cv.lxxx.61, 76; lxxi.4). Later, however, they suffered severe defeat at the hands of Parakkamabáhu II (Cv.lxxxiii.20). Once a Pandu king fled from the Cola king and took refuge among the Keralas (Cv.liii.9; Cv. Trs.i.172, n.3).

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