Once the Bodhisatta was Treasurer of Benares, and a Pacceka Buddha, rising from a seven days' samápatti, came to him at meal time. The Bodhisatta sent him some food, but Mára created a pit of glowing khadira-embers between the Pacceka Buddha and the Treasurer's house. When the Treasurer heard of this, he took the bowl of food himself and stepped into the pit, ready to die rather than to have his alms-giving thwarted. A lotus sprang up to receive his foot, the pit vanished, and Mára, discomfited, vanished.

The story was related to Anáthapindika.

A devatá, who lived in the upper storey of his palace, had to come with her children down to the ground floor whenever the Buddha visited Anáthapindika. She tried to check the merchant's munificence by talking to his manager and his eldest son, but all in vain. At last, when as a result of his extreme piety Anáthapindika's wealth was exhausted, the devatá ventured to approach him and warn him of his impending ruin if he did not take heed. He ordered her out of the house, and she had, perforce, to obey. In despair she sought the aid of Sakka, who suggested that she should recover for the merchant all his debts, and reveal to him his hidden treasure which had been lost sight of. She did so, but Anáthapindika, before consenting to pardon her, took her to the Buddha, who then related this Játaka. The Velámaka Sutta was also preached on this occasion (J.i.226-34; see also the Visayha Játaka). For a continuation of the story see the Siri Játaka.

According to the Dhammapada Commentary (DhA.i.447) the Khadirangára Jákata was preached in reference to the two friends Sirigutta and Gharadinna. It is said (AA.i.57) that at the preaching of the Játaka eighty-four thousand beings realised the Truth.

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