1. Khitaka Thera.-An arahant. He was born in a brahmin family in Sávatthi, and having heard of the supernormal powers of Mahá Moggallána entered the Order, wishing to attain to a like proficiency. He developed sixfold abhiññá and great supernormal powers.

In the time of Padumuttara Buddha he was a yakkha chief, and when he saw the Buddha and greeted him, the Buddha, to his great joy, preached to him. Eighty kappas ago he became king under the name of Sumangala (Thag.v.104; ThagA.i.209f). He is probably identical with Supáricariya of the Apadána. Ap.i.181.


2. Khitaka Thera.-An arahant. He was born in a brahmin family of Kosala and, having heard the Buddha preach, entered the Order, in due course winning arahantship. Later he dwelt in the forest, stirring enthusiasm in the forest-dwelling monks.

In the time of Vipassí Buddha he was a park-keeper, and having seen the Buddha going through the air offered him a coconut fruit, which the Buddha stopped to accept (Thag.vv.191-2; ThagA.315f).

He is probably identical with Nálikeradáyaka Thera of the Apadána (Ap.ii.447f). His Apadána verses are also found under the name of Kundala Thera. ThagA.i.72.

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