King of Benares at the time of the Buddha Kassapa. When the Buddha arrived in Benares, the king, having listened to his sermon, entertained the Buddha and his monks at the palace. When the Buddha was asked to spend the rainy season there he refused, as he had already accepted the invitation of Ghatíkára of Vehalinga. Kikí was at first hurt by the refusal, but when the Buddha described Ghatíkára's virtues, the king was pleased and sent five hundred cartloads of provisions to Ghatíkára who, however, curtly refused the gift (D.ii.7; M.ii.49ff).

One of Kikí's daughters was Uracchadá, who attained arahantship at the age of sixteen. He had seven other daughters - Samaní, Samaná, Guttá, Bhikkhudásiká, Dhammá, Sudhammá and Sanghadásí - who, in this Buddha-age became respectively Khemá, Uppalavanná, Patácárá, Gotamá, Dhammadinná, Mahámáyá and Visákhá. J.iv.481; in the Ap.ii.561f, the names are Samaní, Samapaguttá, Bhikkhuní, Bhikkhadáyiká, Dhammá, etc., and they are mentioned as having lived celibate lives; see also Sattamba; both the Apadána and the ThigA.17, 103f, omit the name of Mahámáyá from this list and have, instead, the name of Bhaddá Kundalakesá, identifying her with Bhikkhadáyiká. The Mtu.i.303f mentions another daughter Máliní Kiságotamí.

He had also a son, Pathavindhara (Puthuvindhara), who succeeded him to the throne (ThagA.i.151). During the life of the Buddha Kassapa Kikí waited on him with many kinds of gifts (SnA.i.281, 283), and at his death built one of the four gates outside the Buddha's cetiya. The gate was a league in width (SnA.i.194). According to the Anguttara Commentary (AA.i.420), Kikí was the aggupattháka of Kassapa.

In the Sanskrit books he is called Kikí, and is mentioned as owning a palace called Kokanada (E.g., Mtu.i.325; Divy.22f; Avadánas i.338, etc.).

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