A village of the Kásis, on the road from Kási to Sávatthi. It was the headquarters of the followers of Assaji and Punabbasu, who lived there, behaving in a shameless and wicked manner. A certain monk, on his way to Jetavana, passed through the place and was asked by a pious layman to complain to the Buddha of their ill-behaviour. On hearing of it, the Buddha sent Sáriputta and Moggallána to proclaim on them an act of banishment. (J.ii.387; Vin.ii.9f; iii.179f; DhA.ii.108f). Some time after, when the Buddha visited the place with a large company of monks, including Sáriputta and Moggallána, the Assajipunabbasuká, were asked to provide lodgings for the visitors. They agreed to do so for the Buddha, but would have nothing to do with Sáriputta and Moggallána (Vin.ii.171).


According to Buddhaghosa (MA.ii.668), Kitágiri was the name of a nigama (township). In the Samantapásádiká (iii.613f) it is called a janapada, favoured by adequate rain and fruitful crops, and therefore chosen by the Assaji-Punabbasukas.

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