1. Kittisirimegha.-Son of Moggallána II. and king of Ceylon from 656 A.C. The length of his reign is uncertain; he was slain by Mahánága (Cv.xli.65-92; see also Cv.Trs.i.61, n.2). Rúpavatí, queen of Parakkamabáhu I., was probably a lineal descendant of this king. Cv.lxxiii.136, 142.


2. Kittisirimegha.-Son of Mittá, sister of Vijayabáhu I. and of a Pandu king (Pandurájá). Mánábharana and Sirivallabha were his brothers, and be married Vijayabáhu's daughter, Lokanáthá (Cv.lix.42, 44). After Vijayabáhu's death, Kittisirimegha ruled over the province of Dvádasasahassaka at Mahánágahula with Mittá and Jayabáhu I. (Cv.lxi.22-7). After the death of Mánábharana, Kittisirimegha took over also his province of Rohana (Cv.lxiii.2). When Gajabáhu succeeded Vikkamabáhu II. Kittisirimegha fought against him, but was defeated by the king's officer Gokanna, and retired to his own province, where he was later joined by Parakkamabáhu at Sankhanáyakatthalí (Cv.lxiii.20, 34, 43). Parakkama stayed with him, being adopted as his son, and his upanayana was held under Kittisirimegha's orders at Baddalatthalí (Cv.lxiv.18, 25, 36). When, however, Parakkama escaped from the prince's protection, he sent an army to capture him, but without success (Cv.lxvi.57ff). Later, Parakkama himself went to see Kittisirimegha in the company of his mother Ratnávalí, and Kittisirimegha gave orders to his followers to regard the prince as their master. He himself died soon after (Cv.xvii.16, 55, 60, 83, 87).


3. Kittisirimegha.-Son of Mánábharana by his second queen Pabhávatí. His grandfather was Sirivallabha (Cv.lxiv.24). His father, on his deathbed, repented of the harm he had done to the Buddha's religion and asked his son to do reparation by joining Parakkamabáhu I. The latter, on hearing this, sent for Kittisirimegha and made him a member of his court (Cv.lxxii.303, 311).

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