1. Kokálika (Kokáliya).-A monk, one of the chief partisans of Devadatta. Knowing the Buddha's might, he was, at first, reluctant to join in Devadatta's plot against him, but later allowed himself to be persuaded on hearing the scheme explained (Vin.ii.196; iii.171). When the monks blamed Devadatta for his misdeeds, Kokálika was always ready to defend him (Vin.iii.174). When Devadatta's gains diminished, Kokálika went about praising him, his birth, accomplishments and holiness, and many believed him (J.ii.438f). He was a great friend of Thullanandá (Vin.iv.335). We are told that once he expressed resentment because he had never been asked to recite the texts; so one day the monks gave him his chance. He ate his favourite soup, and at sundown, wearing a blue lower robe and an outer robe of white and carrying an elegantly carved fan, he appeared in the assembly. But when he tried to recite sweat poured from his body and he was utterly confused. Henceforth the monks knew that his claim to learning was but pretence (J.ii.65f).

Several Játakas are related showing how, in previous births also, Kokálika had come to grief because of his fondness for talk and how he had been the accomplice of Devadatta. He is identified with

Buddhaghosa says (SNA.ii.473; AA.ii.850; SA.i.167) that this Kokálika was a brahmin and a pupil of Devadatta, and that he was called Mahá Kokálika to distinguish him from another Kokálika who was similarly called Cúla Kokálika (see Kokálika 2). There seems to be great confusions in the stories of these two men - if they were really two. In the Játaka Commentary, for instance, the introductory stories of several of the Játakas refer to the Takkáriya Játaka for details of Kokálika, obviously having in mind Devadatta's partisan; but the introductory story of the Takkáriya Játaka is identical with that related elsewhere of Cúla Kokálika. See also DhA.iv.91f, where the story of the talkative tortoise is related to Kokálika of the Kokálika Sutta which, according to Buddhaghosa (SNA.ii.473) refers to Cúla Kokálika.

In the Vyaggha Játaka (J.ii.356) Kokálika is mentioned as having tried to persuade Sáriputta and Moggallána to go with him to his own country and as having been very angry when they refused. Possibly this story also refers to Cúla Kokálika. See also Devadatta.

2. Kokálika (Kokáliya).-A monk, also called Cúla Kokálika to distinguish him from Kokálika (1). He was the son of Kokáli-setthi of Kokáli and lived in the monastery erected by his father in Kokáli. Once the two Chief Disciples, desiring quiet, spent the rainy season with him, he promising to tell nobody of their presence. After the rains, as the Elders were about to return, Kokálika informed the inhabitants of their stay and blamed them for not showing them hospitality. The townspeople hurried to the Elders with various offerings; these were, however, refused, and Kokálika, who had expected that the gifts would be given to him, was disappointed. The Elders promised the townsmen to visit them again, and on their return were accompanied by a large following of monks to whom the townsmen showed all honour. The gifts were divided among the monks, Kokálika not receiving a share. He thereupon became abusive, and the Chief Disciples left the place. The people were annoyed, and insisted that Kokálika should either bring them back or depart himself. The Elders refused to return, and Kokálika, in great anger, sought the Buddha at Sávatthi, and in spite of his injunctions spoke ill of the Chief Disciples. Having three times accused the Elders of sinful desires, he left Jetavana, but boils immediately came out on his body, swelling and bursting. Groaning with pain, he fell down at the gate of Jetavana. His spiritual teacher, the anágámí Brahmá, Tudu, hearing his cries, came to him and begged him to seek forgiveness from the Elders. But he cursed the Brahmá and refused to listen to him. Kokálika died and was born in Paduma-niraya. S.i.149ff; A.v.171f; SN.123f; SNA.ii.473f; J.iv.242f; AA.ii.850; SA.i.167f; DhA.iv.91f The different sources vary in a few minor details; the Játaka version is the fullest.

It was in reference to this incident that the Takkáriya Játaka was preached.

The Brahmá Sahampati informed the Buddha of Kokálika's birth in the Paduma-niraya (S.i.151; SN. p.125).

The Kokálika Sutta was preached in reference to this Kokálika. See also Kokálika (1).

Kokálika is mentioned as an example of a person guilty of misdemeanour regarding the Buddha's disciples (Tathágatasávake micchápatipanno). AA.i.335, 466.

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