Daughter of Mahá Kosala and sister of Pasenadi. She was married to Bimbisára, and a village in Kási was given to her for bath-money as part of her dowry. She was the mother of Ajátasattu. (Ajátasattu is called Videhiputta). When pregnant with him, she was filled with a desire to drink blood from the right knee of her husband, and on learning from the astrologers that this presaged the birth of a patricide, she went to the park-called, on that account, Maddakucchi (q.v.) - and tried to bring about an abortion, but failed. Bimbisára satisfied her longing. When Bimbisára was imprisoned by Ajátasattu she waited upon him, taking him food till she was absolutely prevented from doing so. After his death she died of grief, and Pasenadi made war on Ajátasattu to avenge her death. J.ii.237; 403; iii.121f.

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