1. Kukkuta.-One of three bankers of Kosambí, the others being Ghosaka and Páváriya. Having heard from some ascetics, whom they had entertained, of the appearance of the Buddha, they went with these ascetics to Sávatthi, each carrying offerings in five hundred carts. Having heard the Buddha preach, they became sotápannas. They gave alms to the Buddha for a fortnight, and then, with his permission, returned to Kosambí. They built monasteries in their gardens for the use of the Buddha and his monks, that built by Kukkuta being called the Kukkutáráma. The Buddha stayed one day at a time in each monastery, and on that day accepted the hospitality of its founder. DA.i.318f; DhA.i.203ff; AA.i.234f; PsA.414.

It is said (MA.i.540f) that the bankers built a monastery for each league on the road between Sávatthi and Kosambí for the use of the Buddha during his journeys.


2. Kukkuta.-A frontier town near Himavá; the capital of a kingdom three hundred leagues in extent, where Mahá Kappina once ruled. There were three rivers to cross on the way from Kukkuta to Sávatthi (ThagA.i.507f; Ap.ii.469). See also Kukkutavatí.


3. Kukkuta.-A rock near Himavá. Seven Pacceka Buddhas once lived there. ThagA.i.216; Ap.i.178.

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