1. Kukkutáráma.-A monastery in Kosambí, built by the setthi Kukkuta (q.v.). DA.i.318, etc.


2. Kukkutáráma.-A pleasaunce in Pátaliputta. It was evidently the residence of monks from very early times, probably, for some time, of the Buddha himself. The Mahávagga (Vin.i.300) mentions the names of several theras who lived there: Nilavási, Sánavási, Gopaka, Bhagu, Phalikasandana. The Samyutta Nikáya (S.v.15f; 171f) records several discussions which took place there between Ananda and Bhadda. It may have been a favourite resort of Ananda, for we find the householder Dasama of Atthakanagara going there to enquire as to his whereabouts (A.v.342; M.i.349). It was also (probably at a later date) the residence of Nárada who converted King Munda (A.iii.57f), and afterwards of Sonaka, the upajjháya of Siggava, and of Candavajji, the teacher Mogaliputta-Tissa (Mhv.v.122). Buddhaghosa mentions (MA.ii.571; AA.ii.866) that the Kukkutaráma was made by Kukkuta Setthi, but gives no further particulars. Here there is probably some confusion with the áráma of the same name at Kosambí. Hiouen Thsang (Beal: op. cit.ii, 95) says that the Kukkutáráma was to the southeast of the old city of Pátaliputta and was built by Asoka when he first became a convert to the Buddha's religion. "It was a sort of first-fruit and a pattern of majestic construction." Only the foundation of the building was left at the time of Hiouen Thsang's visit. It is probable that this account refers to the Asokáráma which Asoka built as the first of his Buddhist structures, and that the Asokáráma was constructed on the site of the old Kukkutáráma. It is significant that the Páli books, in recording Asoka's doings, make no mention of a Kukkutáráma existing in his time, though the Sanskrit texts, the Divyávadána (E.g., pp.381f, 430ff; see also Smith: Asoka, 183, 193f), for instance, makes frequent reference to it. If the conjecture made above, namely that the Asokáráma replaced the Kukkutáráma, be correct, it may have been that the place was known by both names in Asoka's time.


3. Kukkutáráma.-See Kukkutagiri-parivena.

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