1. Kundalí.-The sáriká-bird of the Maháummagga Játaka is identified with Kundalí (J.vi.478). The reference is probably to Bhaddá Kundalakesí.


2. Kundalí.-The name of the she-ass in the Vátaggasindhava Játaka (q.v.). J.ii.338f.


3. Kundalí.-The name of a vimána in Távatimsa. In this vimána was born a man who once tended Sáriputta and Moggallána and looked after them when they stayed in a vihára in Kási. Vv.vi.8; VvA.295f.


4. Kundalí.- A brahmin, importer of foreign goods. He was a friend of Dighábhaya and lived in Dváramandala. Mhv.xxiii.24.

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