1. Lílávatí. A Cola Princess, daughter of Jagatípála. She escaped with her father to Ceylon, where she became the queen of Vijayabáhu I. Cv.lix.24f.

2. Lílávatí. Daughter of Víravamma and Yasodhará, the latter being the daughter of Vijayabáhu I. and his queen Lílávatí. She married Vikkamabáhu. Cv.lix. 28, 50. See Vikkamabáhu (2).

3. Lílávatí. Daughter of Sirivallabha and Sugalá and sister of Mánábharana (Cv.lxii.2). She was the first queen of Parakkamabáhu I., and after his death, she ruled over Ceylon for three years (1197 1200 A.C.), with the help of the general Kitti, till she was expelled by Sáhasamalla. Then she reigned again for one year, this time with the help of Vikkantacamúnakka. Lokissara deposed her and ruled for nine months, when the general Parakkama once more restored Lílávatí to the throne, which, this time, she occupied for about seven months. Cv.lxxx.31, 46, 50; also Cv.Trs.ii.131, n.5.

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