1. Mána. Youngest brother and viceroy of Aggabodhi III. (Sirisanghabodhi). He was governor of Dakkhinadesa. He was later found guilty of an offence in the women's apartments of the palace and was treacherously killed by the court officers. Cv.xliv.84,123f.

2. Mána. Eldest son of Kassapa II. (Cv.xlv.6) His full name was Mánavamma. (Regarding these names, Mána and Mánavamma, see Cv. Trs.i.192, n. 3.). He was very young when his father died, and, when the government fell into the hands of Dappula I. and later of Dáthopatissa II., he left Uttaradesa, where he was living in retirement with his wife Sanghá, and went to Jambudípa, there to take service under the Pallava king, Narasíha (for details see Cv.xivii.9ff., 15ff). He won the king's favor and very loyally helped him to defeat the Vallabha king. He then raised an army with the help of Narasíha, landed in Ceylon, and recovered the kingdom from Dáthopatissa. But later his army deserted him on hearing tidings of Narasíha's illness and Mána returned once more to Jambudípa. Some time after he came again to Ceylon with a large army and defeated Hatthadátha, the reigning king, and his general Potthakuttha. In the confusion which followed, Hatthadátha was killed and Potthakuttha was poisoned at Merukandara. Mána thereupon became king and did many acts of merit, including the erection of the Padhánarakkha  and the Sirisanghabodhi viháras, also the Sepanni  and Siri pásádas. Mána was a supporter of the Pamsukúlins. Cv.xlvii.1ff. Mánavamma reigned circa 676 711 A.C.

3. Mána (also called Mánavamma). He was the nephew of Kassapa II. and the son of Dappula I. Kassapa handed over the kingdom to him at the time of his death, his own children being very young. When Kassapa died, the Damilas attacked Ceylon, but Mána, with his father's help, repulsed them and crowned his father king. When Hatthadátha heard of this, he came with a large force and seized the throne under the name of Dáthopatissa II. Mána went to the Eastern Province, while Dappula returned to Rohana. Later, Mána led a rebellion against Dáthopatissa and was killed in battle (Cv.xlv.1ff.; 52, 77ff). His mother was the sister of Kassapa II. and the daughter of King Silámeghavanna. Cv. Trs.i.94, n. 1.

4. Mána. Called Múlapotthakí. He was an officer of Parakkamabáhu I. and, in one campaign, defeated Lokagalla Vikkama at Mahágáma. Cv.lxxv.139f.

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