The name given to the chariot driver (sahgáhaka) of Sakka. The Mátali of the present age had a son, Sikhandhi, with whom Bhaddá Suriyavaccasá, daughter of Timbarú, was in love; but later she transferred her affections to Pañcasikha (D.ii.268). Mátali is Sakka's constant companion and accompanies him everywhere, more as a confidant than as a servant. See, e.g., the conversation reported at S.i.221, 224, 234ff.; and Vv.iv. 9.

Thus, he was by Sakka's side in the war against the Asuras and drove his chariot when he fled with his bride Sujátá. The chariot is called Vejayanta ratha and is drawn by one thousand Sindh horses (DhA.i.279f.; J.i.202f). Mátali often accompanied Sakka on his journeys to the world of men, changing his form   e.g., to that of a fish in the Culladhanuggaha Játaka, a brahmin in the Bilárakosiya Játaka and in the Suddhábhojana Játaka, and a big black dog in the Mahákanha Játaka. On several occasions he was sent by Sakka to fetch human beings to Távatimsa   e.g., Guttila, Nimi, Makhádeva and Sádhína   and he proved an excellent guide, pointing out to the visitors the places of interest passed on the way.

When the Buddha descended from Távatimsa, after preaching there the Abhidhamma, he was accompanied, on the left, by Mátali, offering celestial scents, garlands and flowers (DhA.iii.226). Both in the Bilárakosiya and the Sudhábhojana Játakas (q.v.) Mátali is spoken of as the son of Suriya. Ananda is said to have been Mátali during several lives (J.i.206; iv.180; v. 412; vi.129); so also Mahá Kassapa (J.iv.69). In the Mahásamaya Sutta (D.ii.258), Mátali is described as a Gandhabba chief, while in the Atánátiya Sutta (D.iii.204) he is mentioned among the chief Yakkhas to be invoked by followers of the Buddha in time of need.

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