1. Mátuvihára. A vihára built by King Saddhátissa. Mhv.xxxiii.9.

2. Mátuvihára. A vihára built by the mother of Gajabáhukagámaní, on the spot where, in a thicket of flowering kadambas, she had met an ascetic rising from a trance of seven days and had given him food which she was taking to her father the brick worker. As a result of this gift she became the queen of Vankanásikatissa. Later she bought the piece of land for one thousand and built there the vihára. Gajabáhukagámaní built a stone thúpa connected with it and gave lands to the monks of the vihára (Mhv.xxxiii.104ff., 115ff). The full name of this vihára seems to have been Rájamátuvihára (q.v.). MT. 656.

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