1. Mahágáma

The capital of Rohana.

Dutthagámani was born there, and ruled there till he started on his campaign against the Damilas (Mhv.xxviii.8, 59, etc.; Cv.xlv.42, etc.; see also Mhv.Trs.146, n.5).

Throughout history Mahágáma remained the most important place in Rohana. Near by were the Tissamaháráma and the Anuráráma built by Subha. It is first mentioned (Mhv.xxii.8) as the residence of Devánampiyatissa's younger brother, Mahánága, who founded the Rohana dynasty, but, as a settlement, it probably dates back to the most ancient times. Mahánága built in it the Nágamahá vihára. Mahátissa built the Mahápáli Hall in Mahágáma and attached to it the Dáthaggabodhi-parivena (Cv.xlv.42). The Damilas (probably in the time of Mahínda IV.) destroyed Mahágáma, but the buildings were restored by Vijayabáhu I. Cv.lx.56.

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