1. Mahágallaka. A village in Dakkhinaesa of Ceylon where Sanghatissa once camped (Cv.xliv.3). Dáthopatissa II. gave the village to the Padhánaghara in the Kassapa vihára. The village is mentioned in the account of the campaigns of Parakkamabáhu I. Cv.lxv.27. Cv.lviii.43; see also Cv.Trs.i.74, n.2; 206, n.1.

2. Mahágallaka. A tank built by Mahásena. Parakkamabáhu I. repaired it and constructed a canal from the tank to Súkaranijjhara. Mhv.xxxvii.49. Cv.lxviii.34, 43; lxxix. 66; see also Cv. Trs.i.279, n. 5.

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