Once a number of monks staying in the Ambátakagrove in Macchikásanda were entertained by Citta-gahapati to a sumptuous meal. At the end of the meal, Citta, escorted them back to the monastery. On the way the monks were overcome by the heat, and Mahaka, the junior monk, with the permission of his senior, made by his magic power a cool wind to blow and wrought a thunderstorm accompanied by gentle rain. Citta was greatly impressed, and, seeking Mahaka in his cell, asked him to perform some miracle. Mahaka told him to put his cloak on the veranda and to scatter a bundle of grass on it. Then he retired to his cell, locked the door, and caused a flame to dart through the keyhole and burn the grass without damaging the cloak. Citta was overcome with surprise, and promised to supply Mahaka with all requisites. Mahaka thanked him, but soon after left Macchikásanda never to return. Because he did not wish to enjoy gains won by a display of iddhi power; S.vi.288ff.; the story is also referred to at Vsm. 393.

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