1. Mahánága Thera. The son of Madhuvásettha of Sáketa. While the Buddha was at Ańjanavana, Mahánága saw the wonder wrought by Gavampati and entered the Order under him, attaining to arahantship in due course.

In the past he had given a dádima (pomegranate)  fruit to Kakusandha Buddha (ThagA.i.442f).

Several verses uttered by him in admonition of the Chabbaggiyá, because of their failure to show regard for their co religionists, are found in the Theragáthá. Thag.vss.387-92.

2. Mahánága. Son of Mutasiva and viceroy of Devánampiyatissa. His wife was Anulá, for whose ordination Sanghamittá came over from Jambudípa (Mhv.xiv.56; Dpv.xi.6; xvii.75). His second wife was a foolish woman who tried to poison him in order to get the throne for her son. While he was building the Taraccha tank, she sent him some mangoes, the top one of which, intended for him, was poisoned. But it was her son who ate the mango and died. Mahánága thereupon went to Rohana, where he founded the dynasty of that name at Mahágáma. His son was Yatthálayaka Tissa. Mahánága built the Nágamahá vihára and the Uddhakandara vihára. Mhv.xxii.2ff.

3. Mahánága. A resident of Nitthulavitthika in Girijanapada. He was the father of Gothaimbara. Mhv.xxiii.49.

4. Mahánága. Son of Vattagámaní. He later came to be known as Coranága. Mhv.xxxiii.45.

5. Mahánága. See Máhádáthika Mahánaga.

6. Mahánága Thera. Incumbent of Bhútáráma. As a mark of favour, Kanitthatissa built for him the Ratanapásáda at Abhayagiri vihára. Mhv.xxxvi.7.

7. Mahánága Thera. Incumbent of Samudda vihára. He was among those who accepted the gift of a meal by Prince Sáliya, in his birth as a blacksmith. MT. 606.

8. Mahánága Thera. Incumbent of Kálavallimandapa. He was among those who accepted the meal given by Sáliya in his previous birth (MT. 606). He was one of the last to attain arahantship among those who left the world with the Bodhisatta in various births (J.iv.490). He did not sleep for seven years, after which he practised continual meditation for sixteen years, becoming an arahant at the end of that time. SNA.i.56; MA.i.209; SA.iii.155.

His fame was great, and there is a story of a brahmin who came all the way from Pátaliputta to Kálavallimandapa in Rohana to visit him. The brahmin entered the Order under him and became an arahant (AA.i.384). Once, while Mahánága was begging alms at Nakulanagara, he saw a nun and offered her a meal. As she had no bowl, he gave her his, with the food ready in it. After she had eaten and washed the bowl, she gave it back to him saying, "Henceforth there will be no fatigue for you when begging for alms." Thereafter the Elder was never given alms worth less than a kahápana. The nun was an arahant. DhSA.399.

9. Mahánága Thera. Incumbent of Bhátiyavanka vihára. He received alms from Sáliya in his previous birth. MT. 606.

10. Mahánága Thera. Incumbent of Maddha(?) vihára. He was one of the last to become arahant among those who left the world with the Bodhisatta in various births. J.vi.30.

11. Mahánága Thera. He and his brother, Cúlanága, householders of Vasálanagara, renounced the world and became arahants. One day, while visiting their own village, they went to their mother's house for alms. The mother, not quite sure who they were, asked if they were her sons. But they, not wishing for any bonds of affection, gave an evasive reply. SA.ii.125.

12. Mahánága Thera. He lived in Uccatalanka (Uccaválika). Talankavási Dhammadinna (q.v.) was his pupil and became an arahant through his intervention. Vibhá.489; Vsm.634.

13. Mahánága Thera. He once went to his mother's house for alms and while sitting there entered into trance. The house caught fire and all the others fled. When the fire was put out the Thera was discovered unhurt, and the villagers did him great honour. Finding his attainments discovered, he rose into the air and went to Piyangudípa. Vsm.706.

14. Mahánága. A king of Ceylon, mentioned in the Dhammasangani Commentary (DhSA.399). While travelling to India from Ceylon he won the favour of an Elder, and on his return became king. Out of gratitude he established gifts of medicine in Setambangana for as long as he lived. (DhSA.399).

15. Mahánága. Teacher of Sangharakkhitasámanera (q.v.). He was called Sámuddika Mahánága. DA.ii.558.

16. Mahánága. Nephew of Bhayasíva. During a time of famine he sold his upper garment and obtained food for a man learned in magic spells. The latter, in gratitude, took him to the Gokannasamudda, and there, having conjured up a Nága, prophesied Mahánága's future. Mahánága entered Silákála's service, and was sent by him to collect revenue in Rohana. Later he was made Andhasenápati, and he established himself master of Rohana. He once attempted to fight against Dáthápabhuti, but soon gave up the attempt. Taking advantage of the confusion in Kittisirimegha's dominions, Mahánága advanced against him, killed him, and seized the throne. Among his benefactions was the grant of the village of Jambalambaya to Uttara vihára, Tintinika to Mahávihira, and Vasabha in Uddhagáma to Jetavana vihára, together with three hundred fields for the supply of rice soup. He also gave Círamátikavára to Mahávihára and instituted a gift of rice soup. He renovated the Mayúraparivena and Anuráráma in the Mahádevarattakuruva vihára in Kásikhanda. He reigned for only three years (556-9 A.C.), and was succeeded by his nephew, Aggabodhi I. (Cv.xli.69ff), who built a vihára in his memory and assigned it to an Elder versed in the Tipitaka. Cv.xlii.24; Cv.Trs.i.68, n.2.

17. Mahánága.-A monk of Kontaratthakapabbata Vihára. He died seated in mid-air, and Kákavannatissa, having heard of it from a crow, paid him great honour. Ras.ii.64.

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