Mahá Sangharakkhita

1. Mahá Sangharakkhita Thera. An arahant. He came, with forty thousand others, from Dakkhinágiri vikára in Ujjeni, to the Foundation Ceremony of the Mahá Thúpa (Mhv.xxix.35) and took up his position at the western entrance. MT. 530.

2. Mahá Sangharakkhita. A monk of Corakandaka vihára; one of those who accepted the meal given by Prince Sáliya in his previous birth as a blacksmith. MT. 606.

3. Mahá Sangharakkhita. Called Malayavási Mahá Sangharakkhita or Uparimandalakamalayavásí. Tissabhúti went to him, on finding his mind corrupted by sinful thoughts, and having received from Sangharakkhita a topic of meditation, he attained to arahantship (AA.i.23f.; MA.i.55). He was one of the last of the arahants. J. L. Makárakkhira. J.iv.490; vi.30.

4. Mahá Sangharakkhita. Mentioned in the Commentaries as being free from impurities. E.g., MA.i.525; Vsm.104; DhSA.268.

5. Mahá Sangharakkhita Thera. When over sixty years old and about to die, his companions questioned him on his transcendental attainment. "I have none," he replied. A young monk who waited on him said that people had come from twelve yojanas round in the belief that he had attained Nibbána. He then asked that he should be raised up and left alone. As soon as the others left him, he snapped his fingers to show that he had attained arahantship. He confessed that he had never done anything without mindfulness and understanding. His nephew also attained arahantship only after fifty years of age. Vsm.47f.

6. Mahá-Sangharakkhita.-An arahant thera who preached to Rúpadeví (q.v.).

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