1. Mahásena. A deva living in Ketumatí Palace to the east of Vejayanta. At the request of Sakka and of members of the Order, led by Assagutta, he was born in the world of men as Nágasena. Mil. 6f.

2. Mahásena. A brahmin, friend of Vanganta, father of Sáriputta. He was poor, and, out of compassion for him, Sáriputta came to his house for alms. Twice Mahásena hid himself, having nothing to give, but, one day, receiving a bowl of rice porridge and a small piece of cloth, he thought of Sáriputta. The Elder had just risen from a trance, and, becoming aware of Mahásena's desire, he visited him, and was given the porridge and the piece of cloth with a prayer from Mahásena, "May I realize the Truth you have seen." After death, Mahásena was born as the novice and was called Vanavásí Tissa. DhA.ii.84.

3. Mahásena. Younger son of King Gothábhaya. He became king of Ceylon (334-361 A.C.), and under the advice of his teacher Sanghamitta and his minister Sona, he despoiled Mahávihára and enriched Abhayagiri. He issued a decree that no one should give alms to the monks of Mahávihára. But, later, his friend and minister, Meghavannábhaya, convinced him of his error, and he became a supporter of Mahávihára. Soon after, however, he fell under the influence of a monk, named Tissa, and built Jetavanavihará in the precincts of Mahávihára, despite the protests of the monks. Tissa was later expelled from the Order. The king built the Manihíra, Gokanna, Erakávilla, Kalandagáma, Migagáma, Gangásenakapabbata, Dhátusenapabbata, Kokaváta, Rúpáráma, and Hulapitthi viháras and two nunneries   Uttara and Abhaya. He also built sixteen tanks and a great canal called Pabbatanta. (Dpv.xxii.66 76; Mhv.xxxvii.1ff).

Sirimeghavanna was the son of Mahásena. Cv.xxxvii.53.

4. Mahásena. A king of India who ruled in Pátaliputta. He fed one thousand monks daily; but, not satisfied with that, he went to Uttaramadhurá, where he labored in disguise, giving alms with the wages so earned. Cv.xcii.23ff.

5. Mahásena.A king of Pátaliputta. He and his sister worked with their own hands and gave alms to 500 monks from Piyangudípa, among whom was Mahásíva (8). The monk wished that they should see their alms being eaten by the monks in Piyangudípa. Ras.i.72f.

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