1. Mahásona. An evil natured horse of Brahmadatta, king of Benares.

See the Suhanu Játaka.

2. Mahásona. One of the ten chief warriors of Dutthagámaní. He was born in Hunadarívápí in the Kulumbarí district as the eighth son of a man named Tissa. He was as strong as ten elephants, and took a prominent part in the attack on Vijitapura. Mhv.xxiii.2, 46ff.; xxv. 27f.; 44f. See also Ras.ii.86f.

3. Mahásona. A monk in the time of Vattagámani Abhaya. During the troubles caused by the brigand Bráhmanatissa, he travelled about in the company of Isidatta Thera, maintaining themselves on whatever they could find. One day a maiden made three balls of food, gave one to Isidatta, the second to Mahásona, and wished to give the third to Isidatta; but her hand turned, and the food fell into Mahásona's bowl. Later, he lived with five hundred others in Mandaláráma vihára. One day, while in Kálakagáma for alms, they were entertained by a pious devotee. The latter asked for Mahásona and showed him special honour, though Mahásona was only a junior monk. Some time after, Mahásona returned to the Mahávihára in Anurádhapura and received many gifts, which he distributed among the Sangha. Vibhá.446ff.

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