1. Mahátissa. A thera who lived in Bhaggari in Ceylon. He was an arahant, and is mentioned as being among the last of those who took part in various assemblies that followed the departure of the Bodhisatta during different births, such as the Kuddálaka Samágama, Múgapakkha, etc. J.vi.30.
2. Mahátissa. Called Vanavásí Mahátissa. He was a colleague of Alindakavásí  Maháphussadeva of Ceylon, and witnessed Sakka and other deities waiting on the latter in recognition of his holiness. Mahátissa perceived only the radiance of the devas and questioned Phussadeva, who did not, however, give a direct answer. SNA.i.55f.; Vibhá.352.
3. Mahátissa Thera. Called Ambakhádaka-Mahátissa. He lived at Ciragumba, and is mentioned as an example of a monk who refused to eat food which came to him as a result of signifying in words that he desired it. Vsm.43.
4. Mahátissa Thera. He lived in Cetiyagiri, and one day, while on his way to Anurádhapura, saw a woman who was leaving her husband, having quarrelled with him. She was beautifully dressed, and seeing the Elder, smiled at him, in order to show her perfect teeth. The Elder looked at her, and acquiring the perception of "the foul" through thinking of the bones of her teeth, became an arahant. The husband followed his wife and asked the Elder if he had seen her. The Elder replied, "I know not if it was man or woman, but I saw a lump of bones." Vsm.20f., 194.
5. Mahátissa Thera. Of Punnavallika. One full moon day, at evening, he went to the courtyard of the Mahá Thúpa, saw the moonlight, and turning towards the shrine, entered into rapture, the Buddha being his object of thought. He habitually recalled this experience thenceforth until, one day, he was able to travel through the air to the Mahá Thúpa. Vsm.143; DhSA.116.
6. Mahátissa. An Elder of the Mahákarańjiya Vihára. He became an arahant by developing ánápánasati, and was thus able to limit his life term. Vsm.292.
7. Mahátissa Thera. While begging for alms in Kalyánigáma his mind was defiled by the sight of an "uncommon" form (visabhágarúpa, naked woman?). SNA.i.6f.
8. Mahátissa Thera. An incumbent of the Mandaláráma near Bhokkantagáma. He was a reciter of the Dhammapada. Sumaná, wife of Lakuntaka Atimbara, related the story of her past in the assembly of monks in association with this Thera. DhA.iv.51.
9. Mahátissa. A man of the Okkáka race, father of Dappula I. His wife was Sanghasivá, and they had two other sons, Aggabodhi and Maniakkhika, and one daughter. Cv.xlv.38.
10. Mahátissa Thera. Incumbent of Kotapabbata Vihará and teacher of Asubhakammika Tissa.   He was an arahant, and heard, with his divine ear, the description given in the Lohapásáda by Cittagutta Thera of the marvels of the Mahá Thúpa. Mahátissa told Cittagutta that the description was not full enough. MT. 552f.
11. Mahátissa Thera. Incumbent of Kambugallaka Vihára. He was a colleague of Kupikkala Mahátissa, and interceded on behalf of Vattagámaní when that king's ministers wished to leave him. Later, the ministers appointed him to look after all the monasteries built by them. Mhv.xxxiii.76, 89ff.; MT. 619, 622.
12. Mahátissa Thera. Incumbent of Kupikkala Vihára. When Vattagámaní was in hiding in the forest of Vessagiri, the Elder once provided him with a meal, and the king, out of gratitude, made him a grant of land (Mhv.xxxiii.49). Later, the ministers wanted to revolt against the king on account of his cruelty to Tanasíva, but the Elder and his colleague Mahátissa from Kambugallaka, prevented them from doing so (Mhv.xxxiii.76). When Vattagámaní built the Abhayagiri Vihára, he gave it into the charge of Mahátissa. Mhv.xxxiii.83.
13. Mahátissa Thera. An incumbent of the Mahávihára. He was expelled by reason of his association with families. His pupil Bahalamassutissa thereupon seceded from the Mahávihára and established a new sect in Abhayagiri. Mhv.xxxiii.95ff.
14. Mahátissa Thera. Incumbent of Anuráráma. Voháríka Tissa was so pleased with him that he ordered alms to be regularly given to him in the Mucelapattana. Mhv.xxxvi.30.
15. Mahátissa Thera. Even when sixty years old he did not realize that he was a puthujjana. Then, one day, his pupil Dhammadinna of Talangara came to him, asking for his company in a journey to Tissamahá-vihára, where he had been asked to preach. Mahátissa greeted him, and in the course of conversation, Dhammadinna discovered that his teacher was under the false impression that he was an arahant. Wishing to show him his error, he persuaded Mahátissa, by his iddhi power, to create a pond, and in the pond a lotus, which a young girl was picking. At the sight of the girl, Mahátissa was possessed by lust, and realized that he was no arahant. Dhammadinna withdrew, and that same day Mahátissa put forth effort and attained arahantship. AA.i.25.
16. Mahátissa. An incumbent of Cittalapabbata. He was troubled by lustful thoughts and consulted his teacher. The Thera asked him to prepare a cell for him, which he did with great care. The Thera then asked him to occupy it for one night, since he had taken so much trouble over it. That night Mahátissa put forth effort and became an arahant. AA.i.26.

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