
1. Mahávana. A wood near Vesáli. It was partly natural, partly man made, and extended up to the Himálaya (MA.i.298; DA.i.309). See Kútágárasálá.

2. Mahávana. The wood near Kapilavatthu, it was virgin forest, and reached from the edge of Kapilavatthu to the Himálaya on one side and to the sea on the other (MA.i.298, 449). In this wood was preached the Mahásamaya Sutta (for details see Mahásamaya) and also the Madhupindika Sutta (q.v.).

3. Mahávana. A forest on the outskirts of Uruvelakappa, where the Buddha retired for his noonday rest after his meal at Uruvelakappa. It was in that grove that Ananda took Tapussa to see him. A.iv.437f.

4. Mahávana. A forest on the banks of the Nerańjará. DhA.i.86; DhSA.34, etc.; J.i.77.

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