1. Meghavannábhaya. Another name for King Gothakábhaya (q.v.).

2. Meghavannábhaya. A minister of King Mahásena. He was an intimate friend of the king, but when the latter attempted to destroy the Mahávihára, he showed his displeasure by raising a revolt in Malaya. The king went out to fight him and pitched his camp near Dúratissavápi. During the night, Meghavannábhaya visited the king alone, taking some delicacies which he had obtained, wishing to share them with him. At their meeting they begged each other's forgiveness, and, with the king's help, Meghavannábhaya restored the Mahávihára (Mhv.xxxvii.17ff). According to the Smantapásádiká (Sp.i.102; also SadS.43), one of the parivenas built by Meghavannábhaya seems to have borne his name. It was built on the site where, in the time of Devánampiyatissa, a recital of the Dhamma was held under the presidency of the Thera Mahá Arittha.

Meghavannábhaya vihára. A monastery founded by King Gothábhaya (Meghavannábhaya). At the festival of its consecration the king distributed six garments each to thirty thousand monks. Mhv.xxxvi.108.

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