1. Migasira Thera. He belonged to a brahmin family of Kosala, and was so called because he was born under the constellation of Migasira.

He acquired brahmin culture and practiced the skull spell (chavasísamanta), by which he could tap with his nail on the skull and declare the destiny of the dead person. Later, he became a Paribbájaká and visited the Buddha at Sávatthi. The Buddha, having been told of his claims to knowledge, gave to him the skull of an arahant. Migasira tried his art, but had to confess himself beaten. The Buddha thereupon offered to teach him if he would join the Order. Migasira agreed and soon became an arahant.

In the time of Kassapa Buddha he was a brahmin, and, seeing the Buddha, offered him eight handfuls of kusa grass (? kusattha) (Thag.vss.181f.; ThagA.i.305ff.).

He is evidently identical with Kusatthakadáyaka Thera of the Apadána. v.l. Migasísa. Ap.ii.416.

2. Migasira. The name of a constellation and the month named after it. E.g., DA.i.241.

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