A tank in Ceylon, built by Mahásena and repaired by Parakkamabáhu I. (Mhv.xxxvii.47. MT.680; Cv.lxviii.44). The district round it was called by the same name (Cv.lxix.8). In Parakkamabáhu's campaign against Gajabáhu, the officers in charge of the district were Nílagallaka (Cv.lxx.67) and, later, the Nagaragiri Mahinda. Cv.lxx.200.

The place seems to have had some strategic importance (e.g., Cv.lxii.177, 201) and to have been situated to the south of Anurádhapura and the west of Kálavápi (Cv.Trs.i.336, n.4).

Moravápi was the residence of the Elder Mahádatta, who was called Moravápivásí. E.g., DhSA.267, 284, 286.

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