1. Mucalinda. A legendary king, descended from Mahásammata. Mhv.ii.3; Dpv.iii.6; Mtu.i.348.

2. Mucalinda

A tree near the Ajapálanigrodha in Uruvelá. The Buddha spent there the third week after the Enlightenment. There was a great shower of rain, and the Nága king, Mucalinda, of the tree, sheltered the Buddha by winding his coils seven times round the Buddha's body and holding his hood over the Buddha's head (Vin.i.3; J.i.80; BuA.8, 241; Ud.ii.1; Mtn.iii.300, 302; DhSA.35).

The Udána Commentary (100f.; see also MA.i.385) adds that the space provided by the Nága's coils was as large as the floor space of the Lohapásáda and that the Nága king lived in a pond near the tree.

3. Mucalinda. A king of long ago. He is mentioned (J.vi.99) in a list of those who, in spite of having given great gifts, could not penetrate beyond the realms of sense. He is, perhaps, identical with Mucalinda (1), and probably also with Mujalinda (q.v.).

4. Mucalinda. A lake in Himavá, north of Nálicapabbata. Vessantara and his family passed it on their way to Vankagiri, which was near by (J.vi.518, 519, there is a description of it at J.vi.534 and again at 539).

It seems also to have been called Sumucalinda (E.g., J.vi.582).

Mucalinda is one of the great lakes of Himavá. D.i.164.

5. Mucalinda. One of the chief Yakkhas to be invoked by the Buddha's followers in time of need. D.iii.205.

6. Mucalinda. A mountain. Ap.ii.536 (verse 86).

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