The Bodhisatta was once born as a squire, and he had as friend another squire who was old and whose young wife bore him a son. In order that the son might not be deprived of his wealth, the old squire took his slave Nanda into his confidence and buried the money, charging Nanda to deliver it to his son after his death. The old man died and, at his mother's suggestion, the son asked Nanda to show him where the wealth was buried. Nanda took him to the place in the forest, but as soon as he started digging, the thought of being able to get the money for himself so elated him that he started abusing his master. The young man pretended not to hear, and said they would go some other time. Several times the same thing happened, and at last the son decided to consult his father's friend, the Bodhisatta. The latter told him to note where Nanda started digging, and then to dig there himself and so get the treasure. This he did and found the money, which he made Nanda carry home.

The story was related in reference to a co resident of Sariputta. He was by nature very modest, but when he went on tour the attentions he received made him proud and insolent.

He is identified with Nanda of the Jataka. J.i.224ff.

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