1. Nidána Sutta

The three means by which deeds are heaped up: greed, hatred and delusion. A.iii.338.

2. Nidána Sutta

Preached at Kammásadamma. Ananda tells the Buddha that though the Paticcasamuppáda is so deep, yet, to him, it is so plain. The Buddha warns him against such an idea, because all samsára is due to lack of understanding of the Causal law (S.ii.92). This sutta was probably called the Cúlanidána Sutta (E.g., MA.i. 225; VibhA.267) as opposed to the Mahánidána Sutta.

1. Nidána Suttá

Two suttas on the three originating causes of action: lust, malice and delusion. A.i.134f.

2. Nidána Suttá

The three causes of action: lust, malice and delusion. A.i.263.

3. Nidána Sutta

Absence of lust, malice and delusion prevents the arising of actions. A.i.264.

4. Nidána Suttá

Actions are originated by desire for things which, in the past, were based on desire, for the like things in the future and at the present time. A.i.265.

5. Nidána Suttá

The opposite of No. 4. A.i.266.

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