The Thapati of Pasenadi, king of Kosala. He was a devoted follower of the Buddha and loved discussion.

The Bahuvedaniya Sutta (M.i.396ff.; see also S.iv.223f) is based on a discussion between him and Mahá Udáyi, which discussion Ananda overheard and repeated to the Buddha. On another occasion, Pańcakanga related to the Buddha the conversation he had had with the Paribbájaka Uggáhamána Samanamandikáputta, and the Buddha preached to him the Samanamandiká Sutta (M.ii.23ff).

The Anuruddha Sutta (M.iii.144ff) contains a discussion between Anuruddha and Abhiya Kaccána, which took place at Pańcakanga's house, whither he had invited them. The discussion was started by a question asked by Pańcakanga. Buddhaghosa says (MA.ii.629; SA.iii.86) that Pańcakanga was the Thapati's personal name, and that he was so called ("Five tools") because he carried the five tools of a carpenter: vásípharasu (adze), nikhádana (chisel), danda (measuring stick), muggara (gavel), and kálasutta (blackened thread). He explains Thapati by vaddhakí jettha.

Pańcakanga Sutta

See Bahuvedaníya Sutta.

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